Consider cutting authority’s funds


IF the Government is looking at areas to save cost and cut down its public service wages bill, it may want to look at the Road Transport Authority (RTA).
I have to ask what purpose does this (office) exist and for what gain?
First of all its wages and operating cost should be correctly measured if the RTA is not returning a profitable dividend for the state by means of fines or other revenues.
One may suggest that it is an agency to enforce the traffic laws of PNG, however if it fails to pay its way then it is a nonsense.
All road policing laws and enforcement should be held with the Police Department through their respective traffic divisions as headed by the Superintendent of Traffic, if not then one must question its existence.
If the Police traffic have now surrendered their respective charter and job as the official law enforcement agency of Motor traffic then perhaps this is the division which needs to be scrapped? Or not?
I do not recall at any time the RTA being gazetted under PNG’s traffic Act or any other Act as an official law enforcement agency.
They certainly have no powers of arrest and cannot detain any person at any time. I would also like to ask under what law and where in the PNG Traffic Act are powers provided to the RTA to seize peoples properties.
On that basis I would suggest any serious legal challenge to the RTA and its capacity to enforce the Traffic Act in PNG would cause them great embarrassment as it appears any legal powers they claim to have may be very limited, if any at all.
It appears their existence maybe yet another creation to plug a hole in the failing capacity or will the police traffic team effectively enforce the PNG Traffic Act.

Balimo Boi
Boroko NCD


  • The Authorities of Police Traffic Unit and Road Transport Authority must make sure their officers conducting Road Blocks must display their name tags and Registration numbers so public can report them if they collect money from the drivers and the public. The Traffic Infringement Notice Books are supposed to be issued to individual officer’s conducting road block. They supposed to issue TIN to the drivers for defective vehicles. Collecting money is completely illegal.

  • Road Transport Authority, National Roads Authority, Land Transport Board….so many names and duplicate functions, get rid of them all and save taxpayers monies!!

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