Convict still at large: Police

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POLICE have confirmed that a convict who escaped from the Mendi court house last week with the help of his clan members has yet to turn himself in.
He was given 48 hours after his escape to give himself up but has failed to do so.
Highlands western end division acting assistant police commissioner Joseph Tondop, also the commander for Special Policing Zone, said convict had failed to surrender to police as directed.
“He has disobeyed instructions given,” Tondop said.
Tondop told The National that police had documented the matter and would be investigated.
When issuing the warning last week, Tondop said the escapee was given 48 hours to surrender either to the police or Correctional Services.
“Should you fail to adhere to this, I will use all means at my disposal to ensure that you and every person who assisted in your escape are apprehended to face the full force of the law,” Tondop said.
He described the escape as a blatant act of disrespect for law which undermined everything the police had been working hard to maintain.
Police were outnumbered at that time when Werr Neme Karinz’s relatives helped him to escape.