New school lab to cost K1million

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MADANG’s Good Shepherd Lutheran Secondary School will need funding to rebuild its science laboratory that was gutted by fire last week, says principal Ben Tamilong.
Tamilong said the school would need K1 million not only to rebuild but to restock the laboratory as well, considering that it was built around 1994.
“We had chemicals equipment, textbooks and old exam papers that would cost around K1 million,” he said.
“That incident has greatly affected our students.”
Police are still investigating the cause of the fire, but Tamilong is determined to ensure that learning is not affected in any way, especially with the Grade 10 mock examinations coming up.
“My teachers and I will make sure that learning is not jeopardised as we are planning for the mock exams for the grade 10s written expression paper,” Tamilong said.
“I was briefed by grade 10 English teacher and coordinator that their plans will stand and they will conduct the second mock grade 10 written expression exams today.”
Students will be sitting for their grade 10 written expression examinations in two weeks.