Hela prioritises health

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by Rebecca Kuku in Tari, Hela
The health sector covers everything from the womb to the tomb and is everyone’s business, says Hela Governor Philip Undialu.
Undialu made this comments in Tari on Tuesday while presenting 33 ambulances, one fuel depot and 15 staff houses to the provincial health authority (PHA).
“Some day, Hela will become a central hub for business, for our neighbouring provinces, Western, Gulf, West Sepik, Enga and Southern Highlands,” Undialu said.
“But before that day comes, we must build our health services.
“I’ve seen the good things health workers have done, the sacrifices and the effort.
“Your work has given us that confidence, and not just us but our partners, who are with us to witness the presentation.
“Because health is the only sector that goes all the way from birth to death, and we are here to support and build our health service.”
He quoted his motto, ‘Hela will never be the same again’, as he called on health workers and surrounding communities to help look after the ambulances, fuel depot and new staff houses.
“All 33 ambulances will be used for emergency service, the houses are for health staff, and the depot is to help support our ambulance service,” Undialu said.
“Use them wisely for their intended purposes.”
Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) managing director Augustine Mano, who was also present for the presentation, said MRDC was happy to support health projects.
“PHAs are the only sector that politics cannot influence, the system is made in a way that all PHAs remain independent,” he said.
“So it is now the responsibility of PHA CEO and board, to ensure that all these things are used for their intended purposes.”
Koroba MP William Bando told the health workers that they were a beacon of hope in all communities.
“You are like the candle, shinning in the dark, giving hope to everyone, today you are being given the tools to continue to save lives,” he said.
“Look after these things and do not misuse them.”
The ambulances, fuel depot and staff houses were funded by the Hela government, in partnership with MRDC and ExxonMobil.