Coronial inquest not yet set


A CORONIAL inquest into the death of a man in police custody is yet to be scheduled, a police official says.
Leo Lape Mope from Tokia in Tari, Hela died while in custody of Mt Hagen police in October.
Highlands (Western end) police assistant commissioner Kaiglo Ambane made the comments in response to concerns raised by the family of the deceased yesterday.
Ambane told The National that the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) would organise a coroner’s inquest after a post-mortem to determine the cause of death.
Mope’s family said it had been nearly two months since his death and they had not received the result of an investigation.
They appealed to Police Minister Brian Kramer and Police Commissioner David Manning to sanction an investigation into the death.
“We, the relatives, will not claim the body nor repatriate the body until completion of all sanctioned investigations by the Royal PNG Constabulary,” a statement by the family said.
“The law is clear that when a suspect is arrested, a person is innocent until proven guilty by the court to ensure justice prevails.”
Mope was among six suspects brought in from Tari to Mt Hagen for questioning over the death of a police officer Sgt David Hale and the wounding of Constable James Kopi in October.
According to Mt Hagen police, a post-mortem was conducted on Nov 15 and awaiting the coroner’s inquest on a date yet to be scheduled.
Police said a lack of funding was also hindering investigations in terms of bringing in witnesses and travelling to Tari to gather evidence and statements and information.