Court grants Momis leave


THE Supreme Court on Friday granted leave to Bougainville President John Momis to have his application withdrawn after the court found that a wrong constitutional provision was used to invoke jurisdiction.
Justice David Cannings granted leave to Momis’ lawyer Loani Henao to amend and refile the application.
This will be the second time Henao will be filing the application after it was previously dismissed on technical grounds.
The Supreme Court application by Momis is challenging the validity of certain provisions of the Bougainville constitution.
The application seeks to clarify whether the provision of Section 55 (5) (b) regarding the lawful statues of former combatant members of the House impacted the outcome of the vote to amend sections 89 (2) and 91(4)(f) of Bougainville constitution.
The application is to be refiled today, with hearing of directions schedule for Thursday.