Court ruling questions Marape’s integrity


THE overwhelming five-man bench ruling by the highest court of Papua New Guinea brings to question the integrity of the Marape government.
I do not understand why MPs in his government are still rallying behind him even though he has been the most incompetent prime minister in the short history of our country.

Tore Kila


  • Tore Kila, provide some good advice to the Prime Minister.

    Otherwise, you are shallow minded and totally wrong.

  • The court ruling per Tore Kila’s views on Marape’s integrity is wrong.
    That ruling was based on Peter O’Neill’s legal challenge regarding constitutional legality of the Speaker (Hon. Job Pomat) in overuling decisions of an acting speaker who chaired the parliament at that Friday 6th November. My understanding is that the decisions were based on a specific standing order (section 15) regarding power and authority of any acting speaker in the absence of the speaker. The ruling was correct by the five men bench.
    What we also need to understand is that;
    the acting speaker (Hon. Koni Iguan) allowed or entertained Hon. Belden Nama (opposition leader) who moved a specific motion to adjourne the parliament not for a day but almost a month to December 1st 2020.
    I believe that legal standing of Hon. Belden Nama pertaining to him not being a Minister according to section 43 or even 47 should have been made when judgments were made.
    This i believe is a serious oversight hence MUST be reviewed by the judges in the slip ruling appeal so this matter regarding constitutionality of this specific standing order is finally out to rest.
    On this token, I would like to take tvis opportunity to thank Marape and his team of likeminded minded warriors- Bird, Lingstucky, Juffa, Krama, Lino, Makiba, Paita, Agarobe, Numu, Yoto, Dr. Tongam and other young up coming politicians not mentioned here for being patriotic and standing tall to fight what you all set your targets to fight for till now. You all have achieved much more in the 18 months conpared to what other Government’s have achieved over the last 45 years. Numerous strong Laws gave been passed by yous which will provide the foundation to take back this country from foreign exploitations of our resources.
    Maintain status quo!
    We are with you!!

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