Covid-19 strengthens health system: Esorom


THROUGH the course of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the health system was strengthened with a lot of investments and improvements made, says National Pandemic Response deputy controller Doctor Daoni Esorom.
Esorom said more ventilators, oxygen concentrators and incinerators were set up, including collaboration between different State agencies were established.
He said discussions were underway in establishing a centre that would be in charge of pandemic and epidemics in the country.
“We are already looking at the draft structure, that is going a transitional structure for the next 24 months,” he said.
“The structure will take care of both the epidemics and pandemics because the Health Department at the moment doesn’t have the capacity.
“Once we have a structure in place, we can deal with any epidemics outbreak and things such as polio and other outbreaks.”
Esorom said the pandemic had impacted all the facets of the society and the health sector in PNG used it as an opportunity to build its capacity.
He said when the pandemic first hit the country, there were limitations in many areas from human resources, infrastructure, medical supplies and equipment and laws and regulations.
“There was a lack of human resource; health care workers, specialists, support staff and trained staff,” he said.
“There were lack of isolation facilities, pre-triage and triage facilities, not fully equipped emergency rooms, testing facilities
“There were insufficient ventilators, oxygen bottles and accessories, beds, personal protective equipment and others.
“The laboratory was not fully equipped for the Covid-19 testing.
“There was no proper data management system.
“Laws and regulations were outdated and unable to be used to implement, monitor and impose appropriate fines for breaches.
“There was outdated to no standard operating procedures or guidelines was outdated for clinical management of the Covid-19 cases.”