Cricket PNG farewells administrator Leane

Normal, Sports

The National-Tuesday, 01st November 2011

CRICKET administrator Bill Leane was given a  send-off in Port Moresby over the weekend by Cricket PNG board memebrs, Cricket Haus staff and sponsors.
Leane, the code’s general manager whose 30 months in the sport all but transformed it into one of the fastest growing  sports in the country, said he was truly sad to be leaving at this juncture but he needed to step down for family reasons.
The 49-year-old was praised for his tireless efforts in setting up and managing many of CPNG’s programmes including BSP School Kriket, the Brian Bell scholarship progamme and regional offices throughout PNG.
Leane said he was proud of cricket’s progress and with the fact that he was leaving the job in very capable hands of acting general manager Greg Campbell and his staff which had been a great credit to the sport and the country.
Leane flew to Melbourne on Sunday where he will begin the next chapter of his career.
Originally from Adelaide,  and of part South African descent, Leane said he would be looking to be closer to his family but would still be involved in cricket administration at state level.
CPNG board chairman Mick Nades thanked Leane for  achieving several milestones for PNG cricket  in his short stay and said the staff he had trained and mentored would be more than capable of carrying on his legacy.