Dealing with grievances


AS ordinary people, do we really need or have to resort to addressing our issues or grievances through the expensive courts system, after exhausting free available administrative avenues?
One would wonder if the government, through its political or public officials are actually there to help address and resolve issues being referred to them by ordinary people.
There is hardly any answers or feedback coming from such officials when matters of community concerns are being referred to them.
Or are these issues or grievances too difficult for them to address?
They appear to remain numb, as if these issues or grievances are pieces of hot iron or hot lava they cannot touch.
Without bias, the above are made directly to the Chief Secretary of the public service, the Minister for Land and Physical Planning, Minister for Housing and, Secretary for Land and Physical Planning Department and the NHC Managing Director.
Even the so-called Department of Lands and Physical Planning, Complaints and Fraud Section, cannot even provide simple answers or feedback to matters of concerns being referred to them.
Perhaps we should pursue the expensive courts system after all, to address our issues or grievances as there are no one else to look to.

Lawrence Billy