Kids’ helpers praised


I EXPRESS my gratitude to three charity organisations in the country.
There may be more out there, but the three that came out in The National last week attracted my attention – Tembari Children’s Care Centre, Life PNG Care (both based in Port Morsby) and Lord’s Mighty Kid Children’s Care Centre in Mt Hagen.
Putting bread and butter or tinned fish and rice on the table in any family in any home setting is a normal practice but it is also important because that is where the children feel satisfied and honoured. Imagine those children out there on the street who do not have bread and butter or tinned fish and rice on the table – for them, those very basic necessities are only a dream.
While our brother families are doing this honourable task, what is the plan of the government?
We cannot see these organisations or similar in nature mushrooming while the government turns a blind eye to the issue.
Are there any policies in place to tackle these issues effectively and bring the fathers and mothers of those abandoned children to justice?
There is no reason for other parents who are still alive to neglect their children and those parents who do should be arrested and charged with negligence.
Where is justice when innocent children are suffering?
To you brother and your families, I am praying that the Good Lord will continue to lead you as you become channels of blessing to poor children.

Hometa Aepavi Kuimane