Death penalty


PRIME Minister James Marape responded to NCD Governor Powes Parkop’s questions about 10 prisoners on death row for over 10 years.
Marape said he will allow the deputy Prime Minister and Attorney-General Davis Steven to have views on this and whether the Parliament will still maintain the death penalty or to shift away and maintain life imprisonment.
Steven said death penalty is applicable to crimes that warrant extreme penalties and Parliament is entitled to include that in the penalty provisions.
What are the people’s views?
We understand that the law is already in place and the method of execution is not there. The people of PNG are also aware that the parliament is not deciding on the method because you do want to because it is unhealthy for a Christian country.
Have you ever asked, what is our common enemy or who is our common enemy?
When looking at the nature of those 10 people on death row, they were accused of murder on almost on bases of sorcery related issues.
According to PNG Death Penalty Data Base (2018), Approximately 16 were accused in July 2018, eight people were sentenced to death in Papua New Guinea for killing seven people in 2004.
They were part of a group of 97 villagers who approached a nearby village motivated by fear of sorcery.
The remaining 88 people were given a life sentence (one person had previously died).
These eight villagers joined eight other people previously under sentence of death, though one had escaped from Bomana prison.
People will make stupid decisions to murder another but it is the authority’s decision to execute the right penalty.
People are self-interested and self-centered by nature and we cannot change it. The resource is scarce and unevenly distributed and people in attempt to attain the best will result in crimes and death.
What is the meaning of a black Christian country and death penalty?
You may argue that the bible pronounces death for the wages of sin but this is not for us to decide but only the God will make judgments accordingly. Jesus loved those who persecuted him and wanted us to do the same.
Christianity means forgiveness turn the other cheek not revenge. If we are a Christian nation, we should act like one. This law will create opportunity for other people to falsely clam others of cruel crimes and a lot of innocent people will be die. There won’t be any fair trial so change the law.
Should we have to kill the disadvantage ones who are trying to have food on the table and in doing so found themselves in death raw while the leaders are still misrepresenting the public office and still corrupting the system? Stop putting the blame on poor and ordinary people, our common enemy is corruption not ourselves.
Not every country has death penalty to be developed. Let us wake up from snoring decisions and start to use our brains to develop the country and kill corruption than our own kinds. There are a lot of ways to limit crimes but not death penalty.
The government may have the right method of execution but you cannot kill crimes in the society because it is in people’s nature.
Death Penalty should be abolished and life imprisonment should be maintained.