Defence drama over ‘explosion’


CHIEF of PNG Defence Force Maj-Gen Gilbert Toropo has brushed aside reports that an empty perfume spray container explosion caused soldiers to raid a village in East Sepik.
He said soldiers at Moem Barracks in Wewak burnt down a house in a garden frequented by drug users.
“That garden is away from the main village,” he said.
Toropo said drug users usually hid in the house, smoked marijuana, came out and caused social disorder among villagers and barrack residents.
However, retired PNGDF warrant officer Francis Hanaromo claimed that Toropo had been misled by his officers at Moem.
“I want a military police team from Port Moresby to come and work with Wewak police detectives to investigate this unnecessary raid and suspected arson at Moem village which resulted in the destroying of my property,” Hanaromo said.
He said last Sunday, at about 1am, soldiers were allegedly drinking alcohol in the barracks after returning from a search and rescue operation.
When the drinks finished, three of them went out looking for more.
“They came into the village enquiring at local beer outlets,” he said.
“At the same time, a young couple were having a domestic argument.
“The husband moved his wife’s clothes and personal belongings out of the house and burnt them.
“Among his wife’s belongings was an empty perfume container.”