Dept wants acquittal reports


PROVINCIAL and district administrations have been told to submit their outstanding services improvement programme acquittal reports if they want to receive their 2019 funding.
Department of Implementation and Rural Development acting secretary Aihi Vaki said 75 per cent of provincial and district administrations were yet to furnish their reports to the department.
“It is the responsibility of the administrations to submit reports to the department during the first quarter of the following year to receive the next lot of SIP grants for development purposes,” he said.
“However, reports are coming in a very slow pace.
“I will be sending out circular instruction to remind the district development authorities, joint provincial planning and budget priority committee, provincial and district administrators to provide provincial and district SIP budget plans (and other reports).”
Vaki said these documents were vital in monitoring and evaluating decisions and implementation of the projects.
“The Department of Implementation and Rural Development is continuously providing technical and policy advice and dialogue with our leaders and administrators, financial managers so they can be made aware of set administrative guidelines and financial instructions governing this program in order to avoid legal implication on state liabilities,” Vaki said.