Digicel Foundation: A decade of assistance


Digicel PNG Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary yesterday at the Digicel headquarters in Port Moresby.
The foundation started in Sept 2008, a year after Digicel started its operation in Papua New Guinea.
Digicel Foundation has one single goal: To improve the lives of the people of PNG through health, education, meeting the needs of people living with disabilities, building community programmes and helping the communities in the fight against domestic violence.
Digicel Foundation has spent
K87 million on its community projects and has positively impacted the lives of over 800,000 people of Papua New Guinea.
“It is indeed a tremendous effort put by the Digicel foundation and its partners,” a statement said.
Digicel PNG Ltd chief executive Oliver Coughlan said that where Digicel grew in a community the community must grow.
“It is one of the successful foundations in PNG and over the 10 years we have phenomenal achievements”, he said.
Foundation chairman Douveri Henao said the striking feature that made him appreciate the entity was the “incredible desire by every single person in the foundation to
see a positive change in the lives of others”.
He thanked the staff for working tirelessly about a common passion, and that was “to reach out to communities through projects”.
“In the next 10 years we are going to see classrooms in this country become technological hubs,” Henao said. “That’s the part the foundation, me and the board are excited about.”
Head master of Kepesia Primary School in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, John Lee, a recipient of a project, said the classroom that the foundation built was a blessing to the school.