Directorate investigating police involvement


THE police Internal Affairs Directorate in Port Moresby is investigating some offences involving police during the state of emergency and others such as the Gabi, Porebada, Ensisi Valley and Gerehu incidents and a few outside the National Capital District.
Chief Supt Robert Ali, the former Internal Affairs Directorate director and new South Fly commander, said he was not sure if the allegations against police would be investigated properly and the officers involved would be arrested and charged.
He said some senior investigators at the directorate whom he trusted to work without fear or favour were suspended.
Supt Ali said he would be leaving the directorate but was not sure if the cases would be investigated properly.
He said two officers who had investigated an arson case in Wewak and arrested 13 policemen, and also investigated a murder case in Madang, were suspended.
Supt Ali assured the victims of Porebada, Gabi, Ensisi and Gerehu and the others who had registered complaints while he was in office, that they would be investigated.
He also raised concern about the position that he would be taking, saying an officer ranked lower than him should be posted.
However, he said he had accept the offer and respected the decision of the management.
“I accept the offer for South Fly police commander but the position that I will take up is for a lower ranked officer and I think it is not right to me,” he said.
“If I am given an assistant commissioner’s (ACP) position then I will see that as a promotion.”


  • This is a total shame for such a decision to be made at a time like this for a very good performing senior police officer to be transferred to a lower position outside whilst having a lot of tasks at hand to solve which are serious police breached issues.
    The commissioner and management should review their decision immediately and send or post another ranking senior officer they have to South Fy to be the commander and let Chief Spt. Robert Ali remain and do the excellent job he and the team have been doing and to continue with.
    The public is watching closely and are definitely asking questions of our what`s happening with our Constabulary.

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