District distributes roofing iron to people

Lufa MP Moriape Kavori formalising the “rausim kunai haus” initiative of distributing sheets of roofing iron to build permanent homes for families in the Mt Michael local level government, Lufa, Eastern Highlands.

A DISTRICT in Eastern Highlands is distributing roofing iron to its people as part of its rural housing scheme.
The Lufa development authority (DDA) launched operation “Rausim kunai haus” (remove kunai thatched-roof houses) which aims to get people to build their homes and buildings out of modern materials.
Local MP Moriape Kavori and his DDA were on the ground to distribute 3,000 sheets of roofing iron to the people of Mt Michael LLG last Thursday under their rural housing scheme.
Mt Michael was the second LLG to receive roofing iron after Yagaria earlier this year. The scheme is an initiative of Kavori.
The coffee businessman-cum-politician said the first lot of sheeting was distributed to Yagaria LLG which turned out to be a success.
“We are now coming to Mt Michael and then on to Unavi LLG,” he said.
“Under my leadership, I want to make sure everyone in Lufa owns a semi-permanent or permanent house.
“The rural housing scheme programme is one of our top priority areas apart from education, health and infrastructure to improve the standard of living.”
Kavori said the country’s struggling economy and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic affected district services improvement programme (DSIP) funding, however, the DDA had allocated funding for the scheme.