District receives vehicles, ambulance


THE Kandep district development authority has bought three vehicles for the district administration plus an ambulance for the Kandep District Hospital.
Kandep MP Alfred Manase and members of the authority also handed out K160,000 to the eight churches in the district.
Manase said the district office, which badly lacked proper office equipment and facilities, was given 12 computers, laptops and two printers.
Manase urged Kandep public servants living in neighbouring districts to return.
He blamed their absence on the lack of office equipment and facilities in Kandep.
“The district office was not equipped with facilities which was why they were scattered everywhere.
“So the DDA purchased office equipment and vehicles to build their capacity. They will no longer give excuses to be absent from work.”
Manase plans to properly equip the administration office as part of changes in the district.
“I am giving K20,000 each to the eight churches because the Government and churches are working in partnership to bring development to the country,” he said. He advised the churches which had not received any assistance that they would “receive something later”.
DDA chief executive officer Ben Besawe said the facilities should be properly looked after.
“I do not want to see the vehicles being misused,” he said.
“These facilities have been bought using the DSIP, district support grant and discretional funds.”