Do not boast about your religion


RECENTLY there was a series of incidences involving preachers from the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) and the other denominations.
From my observation, these so called preachers are not presenting the gospel in its true form.
The Greek root of the word gospel is ‘euangelion’ and means a good message or in other words ‘good news’.
The feet of those who bring the good news are said to be blessed.
One need not boast about his religion or make derogatory comments on others if your religion or Church is true.
You need not convince man. Let the Spirit of God convict men of their need to receive Jesus Christ through the power of the good news.
Leave scare tactics and derogatory comments alone. The true servant of God will not strive with others but be gentle to all men.

Timothy Pascal

One thought on “Do not boast about your religion

  • You described a TYPICAL street preachers mission..taking all their doctrinal values as if that is the message of SALVATION.

    .and this is what Jesus himself said about what to boast about….”If I be LIFTED UP from the earth, I will DRAW ALL MEN TO myself”. John 12:32

    So any preacher that magnifies his /her denomination is doing so contrary to what the Saviour commands and to them HE will say “GO TO HELL, I NEVER KNEW YOU”

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