Do not underestimate your skills, graduates urged


Port Moresby Technical College principal Henry Wamaingu told graduates not to underestimate the power that they had acquired as technical engineers.
“The skills and knowledge you have acquired must not be hidden in industries,” he said.
“If the college can, why not you.”
Speaking at the college’s 58th graduation for 1,665 graduands on Wednesday, Wamaingu said the college had introduced heavy diesel mechanic and plumbing and as well as SME business diploma in accounting and SME business diploma in business management.
“Also, we have fully implemented the national qualification framework, qualifications level one to six, thus, the increase in student intake,” he said.
“In five years, I want to see the college becoming a Polytech Institute because we already have 2,000+ students.
“We also witnessed our first pioneer advance diploma in electrical engineering.”