Doc wants to help women

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OBSTETRICIAN and gynaecologist Dr John Bolnga, with all the degrees and diplomas in medicine he has acquired, wants to save the lives of as many women in labour, and their babies, as possible.
The man from Nondgul in Jiwaka yesterday graduated with a doctor of medicine at the University of PNG, and received an award from the Australian government for his thesis. He already has a bachelor in medicine degree, a post-graduate diploma, and a masters in obstetrics and gynaecology.
“I am really grateful that the Australian government recognised the work that I have put into this country for many years and will continue to do,” he said.
“My research is basically looking at why women die, why babies die while inside (the womb).
“One of the main things is the misoprostol, a very important drug used for the induction of labour when (pregnant) women are overdue, or there are some risk factors.
“Then the babies need to be delivered.”
He said much of his work in the past four years was on misoprostol.
“I am grateful that I am being recognised for my work,” he said.
Dr Bolnga is based at the Modilon General Hospital in Madang.
He is the second youngest in a family of six. Both their parents have died.
“I am sure that they are smiling from heaven,” Dr Bolnga said.
He also thanks his supervisor Dr Moses Lamang and Prof Glen Mola for their support.
He dedicates his degrees and award to his wife and four children.
“I couldn’t have done it without them,” he said.
“My thesis is dedicated to my wife, my family and all those who have supported me.”


  • Praise God for your academic achievements. May He continue to bless you and your family as you continue to help save mothers and babies and teach other physicians to do the same.

  • Well Done on your Achievements. You deserved it.
    That is true everyday mothers and babies are dying. Thank you for the good thought in serving our people.
    Hats Off To You!!!!….
    Keep up the good work.!
    God Bless.

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