Does Covid-19 rule out ordinary flu?


DOES the Coronavirus (Covid-19) rule out the existence of ordinary flu?
It seems the testing equipment is treating all ordinary flu as Covid-19.
It is unbelievable that every flu-like symptoms and signs are all diagnosed as Covid-19.
Covid-19 experts should tell us if the normal flu is still existing and people can still contract it.
We are experiencing cold weather and many people are experiencing both flu and Covid-19 symptoms Covid-19, but I believe if every one of them turned up for the test, they will all be tested positive for the Covid-19.
This raises the question as to whether or not the normal flu is still here.
I am just an ordinary citizen and not a medical expert, but I wonder why the normal flu is reading as Covid-19 when tested?
Through experiences, the worst case of a flu is when the patient experiences similar symptoms of the Covid-19 such as dry throat, watery nose and eyes, breathing difficulty and sometimes headaches.
There is a great chance that the testing kits might give out incorrect results.

Tonny Guan,
Kondan Baundo-Simbaix