Don’t be lazy


WE all have dreams.
We all have plans.
We all have a future for ourselves in our minds.
Sometimes, we tell others about our dreams and plans.
At certain times, we tell them about the future we want.
The future that we want is shaped by our dreams and plans. And it is our dream that one day we’ll see the fruit of our labour.
It is our dream that one day we’ll live in that future, which is in the core of our minds.
It is our dream that one day we’ll live a better life.
Truly, if we’re not lazy, our dreams and plans will come to fruition.
Let me share this sad truth.
Most people are too lazy to work on their dreams and plans.
They complain a lot as if “complaining” is a good helper.
They overburden themselves with complaints and worries.
This has led them to a point of “laziness”.
Despite the spirit of laziness, they still dream of being successful in their dreams and plans without making any effort.
The world has many dreamers and planners.
They want to be successful but are very lazy.
They want to have more.
They want to soar like eagles but are lazy.
Laziness is like a deadly monster, and it is a disease that is killing them.
Laziness is producing in them a deadly poison for their upcoming generations.
Keep in mind that birds have two wings.
To get off a tree or the ground, they make an effort using their two wings and the unlimited air around them.
The same applies to us.
To take off and fly higher, we need to do something that will uplift us.
We can have dreams and plans, but if we make no effort, nothing good will happen.
Success isn’t a product of laziness.
It is the product of hard work, commitment, and perseverance.
Even if you don’t have the resources, nothing is impossible if you struggle with God as your backbone.
Finally, if you’re a lazy person with dreams and plans, it’s time to wake up.
You’re not on Earth to be just a dreamer, a planner, or a lazy bone.
Get up and do something.
Your time and life are limited.

Abel ToPidik Rudolf