Don’t let criticisms bring you down


IN life, we cannot do anything great without some level of criticism.
Leaders from the public and private sector would agree with me on this.
Successful people often say that if you don’t want to be criticised, just don’t do anything.
People of great caliber have faced criticisms.
People such Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook receives, criticisms regularly. Albert Einstein, the father of physics, received criticisms for his equations and theories.
Bill Gates received criticisms when he started Microsoft, the computer company.
Criticisms will always be around.
No matter what good you want to do in your community, there will always be criticisms.
So it’s up to you to let criticism bring you down or use it as a tool to advance.
Life is not a competition.
Everyone is responsible for the way they want to live their own lives.
As I put it, every day brings us closer to our respective caskets or coffins.
We will not live forever.
So make it your business to overcome any criticism that comes your way.
You are the captain of your ship.
You are your life’s director.
Never let anyone hold the steer of your life.
Make your life count.
Even if you start something and fail, do it again even if they laugh at you.
You are not here to please anyone.
You are here to live your life so live it to the fullest despite criticisms.
There are many who have given up on their dreams that will try to talk you out of your dream.
Never listen to them.
Live your life, raise your standards and make your life count.
See all criticisms as noises and move on.
In the end, it is your life so live it to the fullest.
Don’t waste it over an opinion of someone else.
Criticisms are normal.
Those who listen to negative criticisms let their dreams die with them.
On the other hand, those who rise up above criticisms stand the test of times and succeed in life.