Don’t sell your vote


OUR leaders have set a bad precedence and have painted politics with a bad name.
Buying votes is becoming too common, unlike in the 1980s.
You can see candidates buying votes during campaign for the Moresby North West by-election.
As someone from the Highlands, I’m advising people to be responsible and choose the right person to lead us.
Our votes in this by-election will set precedence for next year’s national general elections.
We must not collude with candidates for selfish reasons.
We should not sell ourselves cheaply.
We can’t be slaves in our own country.
Do not be fooled by fancy posters, cars, status or recognition.
Your vote is your future.
Vote people who are honest.
Do away with regionalism, tribalism and nepotism.
Vote for people who have a heart to serve everyone without fear or favour.

Steward Lupain,