Dop loses attempt to review Jimi ruling


THE Supreme Court has dismissed an application to review an election petition decision delivered by Justice Ellenas Batari in January because it had no errors regarding laws and facts.
Justice William Neil said strict requirements of the Organic Law on Local Government and National Elections were required but substantial compliance from the applicant was not sufficient.
Former Jimi Open MP Mai Dop made the application.
The seat was won by Wake Goi last year.
Justice Neil said that for election petitions, the general feeling and emphasis were strict compliance with the provisions of the organic law on national and local level government elections, the National Court election petition rules and the Supreme Court election petition rules.
“It has been said many times that a challenge to an election result is such a serious matter that the petitioner must in essence be efficient in his or her approach and compliances to ensure his or her petition is properly drafted, filed, and prosecuted,” Justice Neil said.
“An intending petitioner has that onerous burden in filing and prosecuting his or her petition.
“Failure to comply may result in a summary dismissal of the petition, unless good cause is shown for exercise of judicial discretion or extend time or waive the rule.”