Eating in UPNG dump


WHEN I enrolled at the University of Papua New Guinea about three decades ago, students ate in the mess, and while plates were provided, we bought our own spoons, forks and cups.
You only took your meal to the dormitory if it was absolutely necessary.
Most times students ate at their favourite table, usually in their provincial groups or through other associations.
Sometimes students ended up with others who were unfamiliar to them but still enjoyed the company and meal and eventually got into conversations.
Friends were made that way.
This has changed.
Students are now taking their meals out of the mess hall and into their living quarters.
Most of them are females.
The catering company provides plastic utensils and once the food if finished, the students dump their trash anywhere.
These are non-bio-degradable materials.
Some take meals into the residence halls, attracting unwanted pest into the halls of residence and rooms. The university management must put an immediate stop to this behaviour and instruct the catering company to only serve meals in the dining hall.
For such a behavior to be prevalent at institutions of higher learning tragic.
Ba Marai
UPNG Waigani campus