Effective treatment needed to cue TB

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday December 23rd, 2015

 THE unprecedented and uncontrolled emergence of the multi-drug resistance strains of the TB is a national disaster on the rise and must be given a special and immediate attention by authorities. 

The orthodox methods of dealing with TB diagnosis and treatment will need serious reconsideration and be replaced with a focused approach that considers effectiveness of management that impact upon the prevalence and reservoir of tuberculosis. 

The amount of money does not impact on the problem unless it is applied within a design that connects to effectiveness.   

The current health systems approach in combating TB has shown that it does not work and so it must be changed. Traditionally, we are a nation of great hunters and warriors that are bound by instinct to “go out” in search of food or enemies. 

This time our enemy is this TB that we must launch out to subdue it. That means we ought to take the fight from our hospitals, health centres and clinics right into the villages.


Mexy Kakazo

Goroka, EHP