Election disputes waste of time


I AM just thinking of the time and resources the two political opponents Henry Ame and Bire Kimisopa have put into the court of disputed election results for Goroka for the 2017 national election.
With the recent by-election results turning out in favour of someone other than the two of them is just sad.
I am not happy with Kimisopa in taking out court injunction against Ame after the 2017 election results in which Ame was declared a member for Goroka.
Kimisopa, as an educated elite and at one time, had his day in the sun as a politician and should have accepted his defeat and reunite with Ame after the election and work along with him rather than taking out the court injunction.
This is something bad that will go down in the history of Eastern Highlands politics.
Kimisopa has caused an inflicting pain that would take ages to heal.
Your action cannot be easily forgiven as what you did was as evil and unpleasant.
What if you won the seat and Ame does something similar to you, would you be happy?
Of course not.

Political Observer
Nol Binzais, Jiwaka

One thought on “Election disputes waste of time

  • Don’t understand this writer’s sarcastic comments. I guess he’s a supporter of Ame. Well, if you win thru bribery and giving of cola moni that’s what happens

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