Electoral system outdated: Atiyafa


THE electoral system is outdated and requires reviewing and updating, says Henganofi MP and Constitutional and Law Reform Commission chairman Robert Atiyafa.
Speaking in Lae on Friday when announcing the end of the first leg of the nationwide consultation on the review of the Organic Law on National and Local-Level Government Elections and related electoral laws and systems, he said: “The system has been there since the 1960s. The review is very crucial for our democratic system of government and it has to be done now or we will not have another chance in the future for review.”
Atiyafa said a recent incident of a plane set on fire in Southern Highlands in response to an election petition ruling and election petitions taken to court indicated that a review was needed. The Government had given that 12 months to complete.
“These incidences and many other election- related problems pointed out that something need to be done and the review of this electoral system will bring about changes for better in the future,” he said.
Atiyafa said during the tour of Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Chimbu and Eastern Highlands, people raised concerns regarding the electoral roll, counting process and the voting itself.
A report will be compiled for National Executive Council deliberations by March next year on the outcome of the review.
“It is very encouraging to see women folks taking part effectively in this review. They mainly spoke about their participation and special interest group like disabled people and church groups,” Atiyafa said.
He said the exercise was all about improving the electoral system and to give integrity to it as “the whole electoral system is out of date”.