Expand highway or build railroad


NINE provinces – Morobe, Madang, Eastern Highlands, Chimbu, Jiwaka, Western Highlands, Enga and Southern Highlands – are linked through the artillery road network that provides the necessity of the people’s livelihood on a daily basis for many years.
It is said that road is like a vein where blood vessels supply nutrients throughout the body, which ensures every part of the body is working.
When a vein is inactive or destroyed, as through injury or other issues, decay follows.
This is similar to road networks and conditions.
Former Unggai-Bena MP the late Sir Iambakey Okuk understood the importance of road networks.
He was the one behind the development of the Okuk Highway.
This highway remains the busiest in Papua New Guinea, serving businesses, the Government and individuals.
The significance of this highway has grown overtime as the population increased and businesses activities flourished in the provinces that the highway connects.
The highway has its challenges – some parts of it are in bad condition whereas others report a high number of armed hold-ups.
The highway needs to be expanded and include more lanes.
While Port Moresby is having roads with more lanes, the same should be done for the Highlands Highway.
If the Government cannot commit to this, the next best thing to do is to build a railway system.
An expansion of the highway or a railway system would increase access and supply of goods and services and increase business activities along the highway.

Petrus Gand