Files served on cop facing murder charge

Const Golan Peter (middle) and other suspects being escorted by police and security guards into the holding cells at the Waigani Court premises. – Nationalpic by GEORGINA KOREI

POLICE have completed and served files on Constable Golan Peter accused of shooting a street vendor at the Waigani market, National Capital District, on Jan 17.
Police prosecutor Sgt Christian Iga told the court that he was informed by the arresting officer that files had been served on Peter on May 10 at Bomana Prison.
Defence lawyer Emmanuel Ellison confirmed receiving the files on Monday.
“I will need a month’s adjournment to prepare submissions as files were served on my client last week,” he said.
Committal Court Magistrate Albert Daniels adjourned the case to June 27 for the hearing of submissions, ordering that Peter be returned to Bomana Prison.
Police alleged that on Jan 17, between 5pm and 6pm, Peter was seen with a police-issued firearm around the market.
It was during the 14-day State of Emergency operations, and Peter was removing street vendors at the market area and the Morata bus stop. He was over at the foot bridge into Waigani market when he saw Tom Andiki (deceased) standing there and allegedly shot him on the head.
Andiki fell to the ground and died instantly while Peter allegedly walked off into Waigani Police Station.
Andiki’s body was taken to the station and later to the morgue.
Peter was apprehended by a police unit and taken to Boroko where he was arrested and charged.