Fix colonial wrongdoings


THERE are sensitive issues and questions raised concerning errors and wrongs done during the colonial period which has not been addressed.
Pending issues of paramount importance were deliberately bypassed or prolonged due to the Government’s lack of knowledge on how to address them.
Therefore, the recent comment made by a minister brushing aside report done by an association in Morobe cannot be branded as a scum or cargo cult organisation.
Until proven or otherwise as a responsible parliamentarian something of such nature should be varied before the judgment.
Wrongs done under the colonial rule is still pending.
Times have changed.
People all over the world are waking up and addressing issues affecting their land, ancestors and traditions.
The Government should take that into account.
The system meant to protect past wrongs was found to be fed upon hideous greed for accumulating riches.
Taking spin off benefits from erroneous endeavours to feed the colonists governments into building up an empire and eventually draining everything from within the country.
Hence, ordinary Papua New Guineans could not stand up for what they deem right so they look at the Government.
There are alternatives for people with genuine cases relating to colonial and current errors to pursue through international human rights laws for justice to prevail.
If a minister can easily say scum or cargo cult to such issues then it covers other issues people may have been trying to address.
Suppose the law of the land were to prevail than presumably the Government would lose hundreds of millions of kina to court cases.
The Government should create an alternate avenue allowing genuine issues to be sorted.
