Focus on infrastructure


THE current parliament should seriously prioritise developing every form of transport infrastructure to support its development agenda, and, thus, propel the nation forward.
Transport infrastructure is indubitably a vital component in every aspect of development.
It should be given equal attention besides other vital services such as health, education and police.
Picture an ordinary Papua New Guinean growing cocoa and vanilla in a remote village, with no access to a road.
Obviously, his intention for his produce is to earn an income but it will not be easy.
However, during an election, ballot boxes can reach the most unreachable areas in the country.
And as for coastal areas, old wharves have deteriorated beyond repair and have not been replaced.
This makes it impossible for routine visits by cargo and passenger vessels to deliver goods and services.
And for air transport, in my district, there is a big war time airstrip was constructed by United States army that has been lying idle for ages.
This could have been maintained and utilised to cater for airlines for use to deliver goods and services.
To date, potential travellers often travel by road to East Sepik just to board an aircraft.
Imagined the risk and cost involved.
So I urge the relevant government ministers and the MPs concerned to do it their business and get down to work and address this important matter.
The ball is now in your court to get it rolling for our sake.

Daniel Angiwe
Aitape, West Sepik