Focus on service delivery


THE Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance and Department of Personnel Management (DPM) in Mamose and Eastern Highlands have rolled out a human resources (HR) business programme aimed at raising public service delivery.
The programme was launched by Public Services Minister Joe Sungi in Lae on Tuesday.
“The rollout should pave way for the HR business process to bring changes that the DPM want to see in the public service to ensure effective service delivery,” he said.
The following were introduced at the launch:

  • THE HR business process handbook, the first of its kind put together by the DPM;
  • THE new flagship programme to be run by the institute; and,
  • THE rollout of the HR business process in Morobe for Mamose, to be followed by other regions.

“We have been working with the DPM, the institute and the Public Services Commission to see how best they can work together to achieve the goal of making the public service more effective and efficient in serving our people,” he said.
“Although I am happy with the work done so far, there is still a lot more to be done.”
Sungi said the National Executive Council, in April, approved that all new public servant intakes must complete a certificate course in public administration induction course at the institute to become full-fledged public servants.
“This new flagship course is part of our efforts to ensure that public servants are well-trained and understand the systems and processes of the Government before they enter public service,” he said. “It is a similar approach as the one year programme for lawyers at the Legal Training Institute.
“It is now compulsory for career public servants who hold management positions to have a diploma in policy articulation, strategic planning and leadership and management from the institute.”