Foreigners taking over workforce


SEEMS obvious that all markets across Papua New Guinea have been taken over by so called foreigners including the workforce.
There is no control especially over foreigners flooding in to Papua New Guinea to do businesses as well as unnecessarily occupying workforce for locals.
Instead of operating only retail shops, wholesales, liquor shops, etc, some foreigners have gone to the extreme of becoming street vendors, for example selling betel nuts and cigarettes on table markets.
On the other hand, workforce for both skilled and unskilled Papua New Guineans are also occupied by foreigners.
This leads to unemployment issues rising rapidly and causing problems every now and then in the country.
Newly graduates and unemployed youths roaming the streets looking for job opportunities, but opportunities are scarce at the moment.
If we want to “Take Back PNG”, I believe in all Papua New Guineans must seriously participate in the economy, if and only Government of today can make simple changes and adjustments to allow through.

Golikuka Menihas