Foundation gives women certificates after survey


THE PNG Women’s Community Service Foundation (PNGWCSF) presented certificates to 500 women who were part of a training and survey facilitated by the foundation.
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, all 500 participants couldn’t attend the presentation so their womens’ leaders received certificates on their behalf.
The first batch of participants were from six Port Moresby suburbs.
The women visited settlements and suburbs with the foundation and conducted surveys in line with gender-based violence.
According to training facilitator and public relations officer Mary Kepak, the survey targeted women who were divorced, unemployed and victims of gender-based violence.
Kepak said this would help empower women with basic life
skills so they could be influential and contribute to their community.
“The first questions we asked them was about their source of income and income range,” she said.
She said the next phase of the programme was to group the women according to life skills they had and help them with start-up capitals so they gained income and sustained themselves and their families.
“We are also planning to enrol young girls who dropped out from school in Tvet colleges and Fode,” she said.
NCD Governor Powes Parkop urged the women to work towards sustainable independence for themselves, not only economically but in other areas of life.

One thought on “Foundation gives women certificates after survey

  • Its good to see such Foundation doing such for our women so is there any posibilities to do the same for other provinces or is there any agents in other provinces where women can seek for further information?

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