Fund members’ get ‘employer boost’


NAMBAWAN Super Ltd announced yesterday that more than 130 members’ super savings would be raised above the mandatory contribution level from their employers.
Their employers had signed up for an “employer boost” with Nambawan Super, topping up their compulsory 8.4 per cent employer super contributions with an additional contribution of up to 15 per cent for each staff member. Nambawan Super applauded the gesture by the employers including Full Link Ltd (56 staff), Great Value Ltd (19 staff), F6 Services (16 staff), Synergistic Investment Ltd (16 staff) and Yang Guang Ltd (27 staff).
It would help restore business confidence and staff trajectory towards a comfortable retirement.
Nambawan Super chief executive Paul Sayer said many reputable employers were exploring ways to ensure staff adjusted well during this difficult period.
“Nambawan Super is encouraging employers to consider an employer-boost, not only for business continuity during the pandemic, but as part of a recovery package that would contribute to boosting staff morale, as staff adjust to life and work in the new normal,” he said.
“We know that when employers increase their super contributions above what’s required by law, this sets them above the bar against other employers and their competitors.”
Sayer said tough conditions brought about by the global pandemic forced employers to think outside the box of “simply getting work done” to manage people.