Fund’s unit holder claims share


A UNIT holder of the former Investment Corporation of Papua New Guinea (ICPNG), now Pacific Balanced Fund (PBF), has been able to claim his shares after being verified by the fund in Mt Hagen, Western Highlands, last week.
PBF unit holder Didimus Gai lost track of his shares with ICPNG when a fire destroyed his house along with records of his investment, according to his son Davies.
Davies said this happened during the 1997 drought in Ginjiji village, Lower Jimi, Jiwaka.
“Papa bipo wok ivenjelis long Anglican church na tu wokim liklik bisnis. Ol man baim share na ol tok na em harim na baim tu (father worked as an evangelist with the Anglican Church while also doing his own business. People that time bought shares and told him so he did),” he said.
With his son’s help, Didimus was able to confirm his purchased units at the PBF booth during the Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) expo held in Mt Hagen recently.
“Papa pilim olsem ol samtin lus wantaim faia lo haus blo em lo 1997 na nogat wei lo kisim bek. Mi raun lo expo na lukim logo em wankain lo ol pepa blo papa bifo. Mi go ose lo ples na karim em kam lo expo na ol lain konfemim olsem em gat samtin stap wantaim ol. Em hamamas nogut tru. (My father felt that he had lost track of his investments in a fire. I was at the expo in Mt Hagen and remembered my father so brought him over. People at the expo managed to confirm that my father had shares with them and he was very happy).”
Davies said unit holders have been able to be verified and claim their shares through the nationwide roadshows by Pacific Balanced Fund trustee, Melanesian Trustee Services Limited.

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