Fuzzy Wuzzies are our real angels

Letters, Normal

Remembrance Day or Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels Day has passed.
But allow me to share with the people of Kokoda and Papua New Guinea its significance with this quote from a wounded Australian soldier who was assisted by the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels.
This was from my history essay on Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels 24 years ago, and extracted from an encyclopaedia.
It reads: “Sometimes I think (Jesus) Christ is black.”
From this quote, we can write a book and feel proud to be part of this country where the original love of God still exists. 
It obviously shows the love and commitment of these wonderful angels and the heart and emotions of the Australian soldiers during the Kokoda campaign.
On behalf of the people of PNG, I salute the bravery of these angels.
Many have gone but a few still survive today making proud our history.
On a personal note, I have been blessed with an “A” plus in this essay and was last year named one of the winners in the Remembrance Day naming competition. 
Thank you so much and we hope the same love and commitment will continue in the present and future generations of these war heroes.


Port Moresby