Pala and Amet’s silence deafening

Letters, Normal

I AM loss for words as to how Attorney-General Ano Pala and former chief justice Sir Arnold Amet, who are now part of the NA “syndicate”, which has denied the people of this country fair governance, allowed parliament to be adjourned prematurely to November.
Pala, a lawyer and former clerk of parliament, is well versed with the parliamentary standing orders and can confirm these abnormalities, including the controversial reappointment of Sir Paulias Matane as governor-general.
Sir Arnold, as former chief justice, should have used his conscience and advise the government against the adjournment of parliament for and on behalf of the people of Madang.
The silence from these two learned MPs is deafening.
They have lost my respect as they have endorsed a corrupt regime to rule by calculative manipulation of our parliamentary procedures.
I wonder how these two gentlemen sleep at night.


Sleepless in Sepik
Via email