Girls should learn to make right choices


YOU buy second hand clothes due to the affordable prices.
When the clothes wear off, you buy more secondhand clothes wherever you can find them and that only happens when you have enough money.
Many girls are now dating and living with older men and others with enough money.
People wonder why young girls go for older man or “sugar daddies”.
It is simple, it is the money that they are after.
It is the car, the good house and the security.
An affluent person knows that school girls will be deceived easily.
In some cases, young girls can date more than one older man.
Some men use girls just to satisfy themselves in exchange for money, goods and other benefits.
The Bible is correct by saying that “money is the root of all evil”.
Girls who look for money by selling themselves are digging their own graves.
It is time our sisters of this nation make right choices.

JM Maki