In God we trust, say Jiwaka police in 2018 plan


JIWAKA acting police commander Horim Piamia has confirmed 2018 as the year that police in Jiwaka will seek divine intervention to do their job.
Piamia told The National that every police station in Minj, Banz and Kudjip would conduct morning devotion every Monday from 7am-8am starting this month.
He also wants police to roll it out every week to towns and markets throughout Jiwaka.
“We have been working very hard to uphold law and justice in our communities, but sometimes our power is not that effective,” Piamia said.
“We fail. Therefore, to be effective, we must go back to the father of law.
“We need God in Jiwaka.
“We need Him to change this province.
“There is no other way to make a better society for our people.”
Piamia had a strong message for young Jiwaka men and women: “Your body and spirit is God’s property. One day we all will give an account of our
lives on Judgement Day before God.
“Be careful how you live your lives.
“As a policeman, I thought I could do whatever I wanted with my life.
“I got drunk, took bribes, abused people.
“Now, at 49 years of age, I’ve started to realise the truth.
“We have only one life and that life, we must look after it, as God wants it.
“Quit beer, stop chewing betel nut and smoking.
“God does not smoke or drink, so we must live like Him.”
Piamia appealed to public servants, councillors and community leaders to be good role models for the young people.
“As a leader, you must be a positive example,” he said.
“If they see you showing bad examples, they will follow you.”
Piamia urged leaders in the village to work with police in maintaining peace in their respective communities.