God’s word key to life


WHAT is Life?
Life is like a race which has a starting point and a finishing point.
We will not all start the race together; some will start now and others later, but it’s the same race.
The race will not be won by a single athlete but by all who participated. Some will fall short of completing the race while others will not even gain any distance before they get knocked out.
Only the toughest — not the ones with big masculine body or aggressiveness but the ones with tough and strong minds — will reach the finishing line.
In order to complete the race one must exercise his or her mind to be strong and full of energy by putting good and positive things in it.
The key ingredient is the word of God.
It will guide and win the race for the person who has lived with it.
Before the start of the race each competitor should have a full glass of the word of God so that it can fuel them to the end.
Every grownup person should teach the Word of God to our young ones.

JP Warisung
Concerned Citizen