Good leadership


THE gateway to Enga, Wapenamanda district, in particular, has four sub-districts: Tsak valley, Minamb, middle Lai and Lower Lai.
Minamb valley and middle Lai are located along the Highlands Highway.
Tsak and Lower Lai are away from the national highway. But recently the Wapenamanda MP and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Rimbink Pato initiated a project to build a sealed road and connect PNG power to Tsak valley with the help of provincial government.
But Lower Lai has been in darkness since Sir Pato Kakarya’s term, and still is.
My opinion: Quality leaders are always equal to everyone else despite criticism and backbiting; true leaders forgive and forget the wrongdoings of his people; and a strong leader makes his own decisions to lead the people.

Silent obse