Goroka’s rich culture impresses Apec delegates


Delegates from the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) Senior Officers Meeting 1, had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty and richness of the Eastern Highlands culture and its Small-Medium Enterprises (SME) during their visits on March 6th and 10th, this year.
Coffee Industry Corporation was the lead organisation for the Apec delegate visit to Goroka.
The delegates experienced site visits to a coffee plantation, exporter and a roaster where they tasted and experienced PNG coffee.
The delegates were impressed with the local coffee and the display of organic products exhibited at the National Sports Institute.
Spokesperson of the Apec SO M1 officials, and the representative of the economy of the Republic of
Korea, Don Sun Park, said he was impressed with the way coffee was organically grown in PNG.
“You have an industry that is environmentally-friendly and can attract tourists and producing countries. It is a good industry to cultivate and I wish you well.”
Eastern Highlands Governor Peter Numu, told the delegates his administration had sought to further consolidate stability in the provincial government with aims to promote cooperation between political leaders in the administrative arm of the government.
“Our main aim is to foster the five-year economic development plan focusing on three key priority areas – agriculture, trade and investment, and road infrastructure.”
Numu said although the province had a lot to offer in natural resources, the burden of transporting local produce to other provincial centres and outside was limited.
“SME is crucial and in EHP we have a lot to offer to the Apec region if only we can expand by investing more money into it.
“SME is the backbone of our country. I hope this action of shared knowledge and teamwork will foster greater regional growth and encourage more trade relations for the province, the country and Apec economies.”
Minister responsible for Apec Justin Tkatchenko said the meetings were important as the outcomes would benefit the economy in the long term.
“For me, it’s about exposing our country to the world and the Apec economies.”
APEC representative from the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Heath McMichael, said the visits were very educational as they learnt about coffee’s role in the province and how it supports and drives other economic activities.