Organic firm thriving on natural plants


A mini-industry is thriving in locally made products.
Goroka Noda Organic Product, Producer and Director Obusere Noda said the industry was slowly and eventually taking shape to meet the international standards.
Goroka Noda Organic Product is a mini-industry specialised in converting locally grown food crops such as Mareta (Red Pandanus),
Avocado, Noni and Chili into semifinished products for consumption.
The small-to-medium enterprise industry started in 2013 and has bloomed since with products like cooking oil, bath soap, cream (for skin) and spices.
It is primarily based in producing Mareta, Avocado and Noni oil and other spices such as tumaric, ginger, chili, garlic and others.
Buying local organic products is good for healthy benefits and it also supports local farmers.
Noda has collaborated with the Centre for Natural Resource Research and Development (NRRD) and the School of Science University of Goroka.
Some of its products include:

  1. Mareta products
    Cooking Oil
    Bath soap
  2. Kukui nut products
    Cooking Oil
  3. Avocado
    Cooking Oil
  4. Noni and Pawpaw juice

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