Governers, MPs should cooperate


I WRITE not to judge any political leaders, parties or their associates, but I want to express my disappointment on how some MPs and governors cannot realise the importance of working together as a team at provincial level.
Your constituency and your province really need you to stand together as their leaders to deliver the much-needed services they deserve.
Do not forget that these are the places you were born in.
Cooperating as a team is paramount to serving the people.
Many people respect your intelligence through the mandate we gave you.
We deserve your unity and cooperation in return.
We know that MPs have their own districts to look after, but there are some development objectives that need the cooperation from governors.
In the same way, governors need MPs to work closely with them to develop the provinces, however, this is not happening in most provinces at the moment.
One of the major reasons that destroys working relationships between governors and MPs is their political affiliations.
The breakdown of cooperation is the result of them taking their party affiliations too personal.
Their deep political bond destroys their working relationships.
Some leaders follow their political egos without realising that their actions affect planning and service delivery in their provinces and districts.
Our economy is suffering and limited resources should be shared to achieve common development goals.
Leaders should put political differences aside and work together as a team.
Not all leaders find themselves in this situation but it is evident that the breakdown of leadership cooperation is due to deeply rooted political affiliations.
Please leave your grudges and affiliations at the national level.
Do not bring them to your provinces and districts.

Hanam Bill Sandu,
Wewak Island LLG