Government, businesses urged to work together

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THE Government and the business community should work together so that policy initiatives can enable economic growth, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says.
He was one of the panelists at the Speakers Investment Summit yesterday in Port Moresby.
“Our government over the past few years has had a close association with the business community through our various attendances in summits and conferences. We have tried to articulate in a very clear and precise way our government policies,” he said.
“As a result of that we have been fortunate that we have had continuous economic growth. We’ve tried to maintain a level of stability in policy which will give confidence to the business community.
“The physical regime we offer to the business community must be predictable so that the planning in business and confidence and the investments can be assured so that there is a desire by business and private sector to extend their business within the country.”
O’Neill said there had been an increase in investment, even after the construction of the first LNG Project ended.
“We’ve seen the expansion of many established businesses throughout the country and working together with the legislature and the executive government, we can continue to set the agenda for the nation’s development well into the future,” he said.
“We try to make sure that our doors are open to businesses and trying to hear what their concerns are, especially in terms of framing the legislature around promoting business and investment in the country.”