Governor reveals redevelopment plans after fire

The Central administration building that went up in flames. According to Central Governor Robert Agarobe, a new administration building will be built but will be much bigger than the old one.

CENTRAL Governor Robert Agarobe says the provincial administration building at Konedobu that went up in flames two weeks ago was a blessing in disguise.
“The building is from the colonial days and it was very old,” he said.
“The cause of the fire is still unknown, but, there are plans in place by the provincial government on how to re-develop that portion of land.”
The Central administration set the plan on how to build the new administration building but it will be much bigger than the old one.
“The new administration building will also have a museum, an archive and a mini theatre that will be used by the Central students as their research centre,” Agarobe said.
He said they would demolish whatever remains of the old building and move to another location to build the new building.
Agarobe said Konedobu had always been the central hub for Central and no matter how National Capital District had taken over the land into their district, it was still Central’s headquarters.